Music Lessons

Learn to play variety of acoustic instruments

Mandolin Creek Music offers one-on-one and group lessons, from instructors possessing decades of experience on a range of acoustic instruments.

Group Lessons

Mandolin Creek Music promotes group lessons, collaboration, and performances over individual instruction and recitals. Group activities may consist of a rehearsal with your band mates, a group of musicians playing similar instruments, or a music theory and vocal lesson.


Group lessons occur once per week for the duration of each term.


Group lessons are a team sport, and every member fills a unique position. As such, every group member must attend every group lesson, unless they literally have a note from their doctor (or other credible reason).


Group lessons are scheduled before the weekly acoustic workshop, which provides a "jam" setting for musicians to immediately apply what they have learned. As these events tend to be "fun on a bun", students should participate in most of these jams; however, attendance is neither required nor taken, as long as your skills continue to develop.

One-on-One Lessons

Some instructors may elect to take on individual students; however, most students progress adequately through collaborative study with others in their group.

One-on-one lesson scheduling tends to occur proportionate to proximity of the instructor.